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GA in Harrisburg

2014年7月31日是在宾夕法尼亚州议会大厦举行的米尔顿·弗里德曼遗产日. Friedman, who passed away in 2006, in his career was an economic advisor to Sen. Barry Goldwater, President Nixon and President Regan. He was an educator, philanthropist, vwin娱乐场官方和倡导者,他写了大量关于作为政府政策的经济学定理的文章,主要强调个人自由的保护和扩展. Mr. Friedman is considered the “father of school choice” and serves, to this day, as a guiding figure in the school choice movement both locally and nationally.

The REACH (Road to Educational Achievement Through CHoice) Foundation, 宾夕法尼亚州的基层联盟致力于确保家长在教育方面的选择权, 选择这一天举办一个全面的研讨会,详细介绍了支持日耳曼学院的两个重要项目的现状——教育改进税收抵免(EITC)和机会奖学金税收抵免(OSTC)项目.

Otto Banks, REACH的执行主任主持了会议,并得到了该州代理教育部长的支持, Carolyn Dumaresq, Ed.D., 州教育说客Brian Abela和州社区经济发展部(DCED) EITC项目及其姊妹项目的执行主任, the OSTC. (SEE INSET for updates and program facts revealed).

Since 2001, the EITC program has provided businesses an easy, 通过直接向合格的教育机构提供奖学金,而不是将纳税人的钱送到哈里斯堡,这是支持当地教育的有效方式. The OSTC was added two years ago, 专门资助来自该州表现最差学区(费城)的学生, by far, has the most qualifiers) with opportunity scholarships at better schools. Simply put, 这两个项目都将原本作为州营业税支付的资金转向为vwin德赢娱乐的合格学生提供奖学金支持. GA is a qualified scholarship organization for both programs.

Both of these programs have exploded with interest, distributing over $300million in total aid over the last 10 years. The EITC program has become so successful, in fact, 申请企业经常被列入第一次参与的等待名单. 每年7月1日,在申请流程开始后的几个小时内,可用的税收抵免往往就用完了.

由于两个主要因素,vwin德赢娱乐从这些关键项目中受益匪浅:GA社区内的企业主(家长), alumni, parents of alumni, etc.)认为这是一种有效的方式,可以让他们的企业直接参与他们最喜欢的学校的州教育计划. Also, due to our proximity to the city of Philadelphia, GA目前招收的学生中有资格获得这两个项目的经济支持的人数超过了我们提供的援助.

We hope that YOU, and your company, 会考虑参加州政府提供的这些真正的转型项目吗. For more information, please contact Martin Dean, Associate Director of Institutional Advancement, 267-405-7458 or EMAIL.

当前EITC K-12信用分配时间表(14- 15财年总计6000万美元):

As of July 31, 2014 - $23.在一项为期两年的承诺(优先考虑)的第二年,公司获得了300万美元的批准, offered the new early renewal date of May 15)
$28.在一项为期两年的承诺(被列为第二优先事项)的第一年,公司获得了700万美元的批准, also offered the new renewal date of May 15)
标准的7月1日申请获得了800万美元的批准(该申请只需要10美元).1m in applications on July 1 alone).
Remaining July 1 applicants placed on wait list.
NOTE: OSTC credits are still available and can be applied for immediately

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GA went to Harrisburg
State Legislation on the Near Horizon (not yet set in stone by law):

  • 当前关于未来逐步取消股本税和特许经营税的讨论. 政府将考虑为EITC/OSTC业务申请人增加新的适用州税.
  • Secondary Career and Technical Schools may be added as new eligible recipients of EITC/OSTC funding (causing more participation outlets for businesses; more competition for program dollars among scholarship organizations)
  • New house bill addressing the assurance that all available tax credits are distributed each year; establishing annual timeline where remaining credits from either program can be distributed to the other assuring that there is no carry forward or unapplied funding

Meeting Take Away – Action Items:

  • 对EITC计划作出两年承诺的企业在新的早期申请时间表的分配过程中具有明显的优势
  • OSTC program, for now, 从7月1日开始,由于对可用信贷的竞争减少,简化了审批机会
  • 费城在公立学区表现最差的州中名列前茅, GA目前招收了许多有资格获得EITC和OSTC资助的学生

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